9 research outputs found

    Dissecting early mechanism of melanoma cell resistance to cytotoxic T lymphocyte attack

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    Les cellules de mélanome humain expriment différents antigÚnes tumoraux qui sont reconnus par les lymphocytes T cytotoxiques CD8 + (CTL) induisant des réponses spécifiques de la tumeur in vivo. Cependant, chez les patients atteints de mélanome l'efficacité de la réponse naturelle des CTL ou stimulée par thérapie est limitée. Les mécanismes sous-jacents de l'échec de la phase effectrice des CTL contre les mélanomes sont encore largement méconnus. Notre hypothÚse est que l'efficacité limitée des CTL dans leur combat contre les tumeurs est le résultat d'une balance défavorable entre la capacité des CTL à tuer les tumeurs et une résistance tumorale intrinsÚque à l'activité cytolytique des CTL. Au cours de ma thÚse je me suis concentrée sur la dynamique moléculaire qui se produit à la synapse lytique afin de pouvoir identifier un mécanisme précoce mis en place par les cellules de mélanome face à l'attaque des CTL. En combinant l'utilisation d'approches de microscopie de pointe et des outils moléculaires, j'ai pu montrer que, lors de l'interaction avec les CTL, les cellules de mélanome humain subissent une activation de leur trafic vésiculaire endosomal et lysosomal, lequel est intensifié à la synapse lytique et corrÚle avec la dégradation par la cathepsine de la perforine et un défaut de pénétration d'entrée du granzyme B. De plus, j'ai démontré que le blocage du trafic lysosomal dépendant de SNAP23, la modification du pH (intra-vésiculaire) et l'inhibition de l'activité lysosomale protéotlytique des cellules de mélanome permet de restaurer leur sensibilité à l'attaque des CTL. Nos résultats révÚlent une stratégie sans précédent d' " auto-défense " des cellules de mélanome à la synapse immunologique basée sur une sécrétion lysosomale massive et sur la dégradation de la perforine sécrétée par les CTL. Ainsi pouvoir interférer avec cette stratégie synaptique d'auto-défense des cellules de mélanome pourrait contribuer à potentialiser les réponses des CTL et les immunothérapies chez les patients atteints de mélanome.Human melanoma cells express various tumor antigens that are recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and elicit tumor-specific responses in vivo. However, natural and therapeutically enhanced CTL responses in melanoma patients are of limited efficacy. The mechanisms underlying the failure of CTL effector phase against melanomas are still largely elusive. Our hypothesis is that the limited efficacy of CTL in their fight against tumors is the result of an unfavorable balance between CTL ability to kill tumors and an intrinsic tumor resistance to CTL cytolytic activity. During my thesis I focused on the molecular dynamics occurring at the lytic synapse in order to identify possible "early response-mechanism" of melanoma cells to CTL attack. Using a combination of cutting edge microscopy approaches and molecular tools, I showed that upon conjugation with CTL, human melanoma cells undergo an exacerbated late endosome/lysosome trafficking, which is intensified at the lytic synapse and is paralleled by cathepsin-mediated perforin degradation and deficient granzyme B penetration. Abortion of SNAP-23-dependent lysosomal trafficking, pH perturbation or impairment of lysosomal proteolytic activity restores susceptibility to CTL attack. Our results reveal an unprecedented strategy of melanoma cell "self-defense" at the immunologic synapse based on a lysosome secretory burst and perforin degradation at the lytic synapse. Interfering with this synaptic self-defense strategy might be instrumental to potentiate CTL-mediated therapies in melanoma patients

    Kartezio: Evolutionary Design of Explainable Pipelines for Biomedical Image Analysis

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    An unresolved issue in contemporary biomedicine is the overwhelming number and diversity of complex images that require annotation, analysis and interpretation. Recent advances in Deep Learning have revolutionized the field of computer vision, creating algorithms that compete with human experts in image segmentation tasks. Crucially however, these frameworks require large human-annotated datasets for training and the resulting models are difficult to interpret. In this study, we introduce Kartezio, a modular Cartesian Genetic Programming based computational strategy that generates transparent and easily interpretable image processing pipelines by iteratively assembling and parameterizing computer vision functions. The pipelines thus generated exhibit comparable precision to state-of-the-art Deep Learning approaches on instance segmentation tasks, while requiring drastically smaller training datasets, a feature which confers tremendous flexibility, speed, and functionality to this approach. We also deployed Kartezio to solve semantic and instance segmentation problems in four real-world Use Cases, and showcase its utility in imaging contexts ranging from high-resolution microscopy to clinical pathology. By successfully implementing Kartezio on a portfolio of images ranging from subcellular structures to tumoral tissue, we demonstrated the flexibility, robustness and practical utility of this fully explicable evolutionary designer for semantic and instance segmentation.Comment: 36 pages, 6 main Figures. The Extended Data Movie is available at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r74gdzb6hdA. The source code is available on Github: https://github.com/KevinCortacero/Kartezi

    Etude du mécanisme précoce de la résistance des cellules du mélanome à l'attaque des lymphocytes T cytotoxique

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    Human melanoma cells express various tumor antigens that are recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and elicit tumor-specific responses in vivo. However, natural and therapeutically enhanced CTL responses in melanoma patients are of limited efficacy. The mechanisms underlying the failure of CTL effector phase against melanomas are still largely elusive. Our hypothesis is that the limited efficacy of CTL in their fight against tumors is the result of an unfavorable balance between CTL ability to kill tumors and an intrinsic tumor resistance to CTL cytolytic activity. During my thesis I focused on the molecular dynamics occurring at the lytic synapse in order to identify possible "early response-mechanism" of melanoma cells to CTL attack. Using a combination of cutting edge microscopy approaches and molecular tools, I showed that upon conjugation with CTL, human melanoma cells undergo an exacerbated late endosome/lysosome trafficking, which is intensified at the lytic synapse and is paralleled by cathepsin-mediated perforin degradation and deficient granzyme B penetration. Abortion of SNAP-23-dependent lysosomal trafficking, pH perturbation or impairment of lysosomal proteolytic activity restores susceptibility to CTL attack. Our results reveal an unprecedented strategy of melanoma cell "self-defense" at the immunologic synapse based on a lysosome secretory burst and perforin degradation at the lytic synapse. Interfering with this synaptic self-defense strategy might be instrumental to potentiate CTL-mediated therapies in melanoma patients.Les cellules de mélanome humain expriment différents antigÚnes tumoraux qui sont reconnus par les lymphocytes T cytotoxiques CD8 + (CTL) induisant des réponses spécifiques de la tumeur in vivo. Cependant, chez les patients atteints de mélanome l'efficacité de la réponse naturelle des CTL ou stimulée par thérapie est limitée. Les mécanismes sous-jacents de l'échec de la phase effectrice des CTL contre les mélanomes sont encore largement méconnus. Notre hypothÚse est que l'efficacité limitée des CTL dans leur combat contre les tumeurs est le résultat d'une balance défavorable entre la capacité des CTL à tuer les tumeurs et une résistance tumorale intrinsÚque à l'activité cytolytique des CTL. Au cours de ma thÚse je me suis concentrée sur la dynamique moléculaire qui se produit à la synapse lytique afin de pouvoir identifier un mécanisme précoce mis en place par les cellules de mélanome face à l'attaque des CTL. En combinant l'utilisation d'approches de microscopie de pointe et des outils moléculaires, j'ai pu montrer que, lors de l'interaction avec les CTL, les cellules de mélanome humain subissent une activation de leur trafic vésiculaire endosomal et lysosomal, lequel est intensifié à la synapse lytique et corrÚle avec la dégradation par la cathepsine de la perforine et un défaut de pénétration d'entrée du granzyme B. De plus, j'ai démontré que le blocage du trafic lysosomal dépendant de SNAP23, la modification du pH (intra-vésiculaire) et l'inhibition de l'activité lysosomale protéotlytique des cellules de mélanome permet de restaurer leur sensibilité à l'attaque des CTL. Nos résultats révÚlent une stratégie sans précédent d' " auto-défense " des cellules de mélanome à la synapse immunologique basée sur une sécrétion lysosomale massive et sur la dégradation de la perforine sécrétée par les CTL. Ainsi pouvoir interférer avec cette stratégie synaptique d'auto-défense des cellules de mélanome pourrait contribuer à potentialiser les réponses des CTL et les immunothérapies chez les patients atteints de mélanome

    Functional heterogeneity of cytotoxic T cells and tumor resistance to cytotoxic hits limit anti‐tumor activity in vivo

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    International audienceCytotoxic T cells (CTLs) can eliminate tumor cells through the delivery of lethal hits, but the actual efficiency of this process in the tumor microenvironment is unclear. Here, we visualized the capacity of single CTLs to attack tumor cells in vitro and in vivo using genetically encoded reporters that monitor cell damage and apoptosis. Using two distinct malignant B-cell lines, we found that the majority of cytotoxic hits delivered by CTLs in vitro were sublethal despite proper immunological synapse formation, and associated with reversible calcium elevation and membrane damage in the targets. Through intravital imaging in the bone marrow, we established that the majority of CTL interactions with lymphoma B cells were either unproductive or sublethal. Functional heterogeneity of CTLs contributed to diverse outcomes during CTL-tumor contacts in vivo. In the therapeutic settings of anti-CD19 CAR T cells, the majority of CAR T cell-tumor interactions were also not associated with lethal hit delivery. Thus, differences in CTL lytic potential together with tumor cell resistance to cytotoxic hits represent two important bottlenecks for antitumor responses in vivo

    Melanoma cell lysosome secretory burst neutralizes the CTL-mediated cytotoxicity at the lytic synapse

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    International audienceHuman melanoma cells express various tumour antigens that are recognized by CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and elicit tumour-specific responses in vivo. However, natural and therapeutically enhanced CTL responses in melanoma patients are of limited efficacy. The mechanisms underlying CTL effector phase failure when facing melanomas are still largely elusive. Here we show that, on conjugation with CTL, human melanoma cells undergo an active late endosome/lysosome trafficking, which is intensified at the lytic synapse and is paralleled by cathepsin-mediated perforin degradation and deficient granzyme B penetration. Abortion of SNAP-23-dependent lysosomal trafficking, pH perturbation or impairment of lysosomal proteolytic activity restores susceptibility to CTL attack. Inside the arsenal of melanoma cell strategies to escape immune surveillance, we identify a self-defence mechanism based on exacerbated lysosome secretion and perforin degradation at the lytic synapse. Interfering with this synaptic self-defence mechanism might be useful in potentiating CTL-mediated therapies in melanoma patients

    High resolution microfluidic assay and probabilistic modeling reveal cooperation between T cells in tumor killing

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    International audienceCytotoxic T cells are important components of natural anti-tumor immunity and are harnessed in tumor immunotherapies. Immune responses to tumors and immune therapy outcomes largely vary among individuals, but very few studies examine the contribution of intrinsic behavior of the T cells to this heterogeneity. Here we show the development of a microfluidic-based in vitro method to track the outcome of antigen-specific T cell activity on many individual cancer spheroids simultaneously at high spatiotemporal resolution, which we call Multiscale Immuno-Oncology on-Chip System (MIOCS). By combining parallel measurements of T cell behaviors and tumor fates with probabilistic modeling, we establish that the first recruited T cells initiate a positive feedback loop to accelerate further recruitment to the spheroid. We also provide evidence that cooperation between T cells on the spheroid during the killing phase facilitates tumor destruction. Thus, we propose that both T cell accumulation and killing function rely on collective behaviors rather than simply reflecting the sum of individual T cell activities, and the possibility to track many replicates of immune cell-tumor interactions with the level of detail our system provides may contribute to our understanding of immune response heterogeneity

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of calcium signals during neutrophil cluster formation

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    International audienceNeutrophils form cellular clusters or swarms in response to injury or pathogen intrusion. Yet, intracellular signaling events favoring this coordinated response remain to be fully characterized. Here, we show that calcium signals play a critical role during mouse neutrophil clustering around particles of zymosan, a structural fungal component. Pioneer neutrophils recognizing zymosan or live Candida albicans displayed elevated calcium levels. Subsequently, a transient wave of calcium signals in neighboring cells was observed followed by the attraction of neutrophils that exhibited more persistent calcium signals as they reached zymosan particles. Calcium signals promoted LTB4 production while the blocking of extracellular calcium entry or LTB4 signaling abrogated cluster formation. Finally, using optogenetics to manipulate calcium influx in primary neutrophils, we show that calcium signals could initiate recruitment of neighboring neutrophils in an LTB4-dependent manner. Thus, sustained calcium responses at the center of the cluster are necessary and sufficient for the generation of chemoattractive gradients that attract neutrophils in a self-reinforcing process

    Influenza A induces the major secreted airway mucin MUC5AC in a protease–EGFR–extracellular regulated kinase–Sp1–dependent pathway

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    International audienceMucins, the main glycoproteins present within mucus, modulate the rheologic properties of airways and participate in lung defense. They are thought to be able to trap and eliminate microorganisms from the lung. Among the mucins secreted in the lung, MUC5AC is the most prominent factor secreted by surface epithelial cells. Although much is known about the signaling pathways involved in the regulation of MUC5AC by host factors such as cytokines or proteases, less is known about the pathways triggered by microorganisms and, specifically, by influenza A virus (IAV). We therefore set up experiments to dissect the molecular mechanisms responsible for the potential modulation of MUC5AC by IAV. Using epithelial cells, C57/Bl6 mice, and IAV strains, we measured MUC5AC expression at the RNA and protein levels, specificity protein 1 (Sp1) activation, and protease activity. Intermediate molecular partners were confirmed using pharmacological inhibitors, blocking antibodies, and small interfering (si) RNAs. We showed in vitro and in vivo that IAV up-regulates epithelial cell-derived MUC5AC and Muc5ac expression in mice, both at transcriptional (through the induction of Sp1) and translational levels. In addition, we determined that this induction was dependent on a protease-epithelial growth factor receptor-extracellular regulated kinase-Sp1 signaling cascade, involving in particular the human airway trypsin. Our data point to MUC5AC as a potential modulatory mechanism by which the lung epithelia respond to IAV infection, and we dissect, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, the molecular partners involved. Future experiments using MUC5AC-targeted strategies should help further unravel the pathophysiological consequences of IAV-induced MUC5AC expression for lung homeostasis

    Evolutionary design of explainable algorithms for biomedical image segmentation

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    International audienceAn unresolved issue in contemporary biomedicine is the overwhelming number and diversity of complex images that require annotation, analysis and interpretation. Recent advances in Deep Learning have revolutionized the field of computer vision, creating algorithms that compete with human experts in image segmentation tasks. However, these frameworks require large human-annotated datasets for training and the resulting “black box” models are difficult to interpret. In this study, we introduce Kartezio , a modular Cartesian Genetic Programming-based computational strategy that generates fully transparent and easily interpretable image processing pipelines by iteratively assembling and parameterizing computer vision functions. The pipelines thus generated exhibit comparable precision to state-of-the-art Deep Learning approaches on instance segmentation tasks, while requiring drastically smaller training datasets. This Few-Shot Learning method confers tremendous flexibility, speed, and functionality to this approach. We then deploy Kartezio to solve a series of semantic and instance segmentation problems, and demonstrate its utility across diverse images ranging from multiplexed tissue histopathology images to high resolution microscopy images. While the flexibility, robustness and practical utility of Kartezio make this fully explicable evolutionary designer a potential game-changer in the field of biomedical image processing, Kartezio remains complementary and potentially auxiliary to mainstream Deep Learning approaches